Tuesday, 9 February 2010


i edited the picture of my model holding the pint, to remove the picture in the background

these are the stages i went through

i used the clone tool on the GIMP program to colour in the in the picture and i then used the smudge tool to even it out.
1st image - the original file
2nd image - mid editing, i selected a part of the picture, filled using thepaint bucket tool, then smudged it to even it out
3rd image - the file after editing

Monday, 8 February 2010


ive decided to use the previous picture in a cover line and this picture as the main image
soo we still have the main article inside
just another article featured on the front
let me know what you think

Thursday, 4 February 2010

contents page designs

please comment on your faves :)

Results and where to go next

i have decided that i will use the second photo of the one's i released

i will use the first front cover design and the second feature design.

i have decided to use the [ank]* font

i will use this to form my magazine
i will now create some contents page ideas and ask for ideas
also, what colour schemes would work well together??

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

which would be best for my front cover??

Font Ideas

plz comment on your favourites!!

Front Cover Designs

plz comment on your favourites!!

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Plans for the photoshoot

For my photoshoot im going to have one model, who will be male. As in Q, my photos wont be totally music orientated, more about the artist on the whole. I will one image to do with the artist, it does not have to feature him playing an instrument as in Q it is not all about the music, it is about the artist's style too. It will be a stylish shoot, rather than just a random photograph at looks ok; ive got to make it look as professional as possible.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Layout Possibilities

please comment and tell me which looks the best

Questionnaire results and where i go from here

Fom my questionnaire i found out that most people like to read Q, NME and Kerrang!; from this i can deduce that the most popular genres are indie, rock and pop. These are also the most listened to genres and the genres people like to read about. For a magazine, like Q, people would be willing to pay around £3, which would suit the quality of my magazine, as i aim to produce a magazine of the same calibre as Q; which is priced at £3.80. Out of the names i asked about, Notation Nation was the most popular so that is what my magazine will be called. From here, i'll have my photoshoot, which will be simple yet effective like the Q covers i have analysed, and i will use these in my double page spread, which i am planning to be an album review, with a small interview included.