Monday, 30 November 2009



Thursday, 26 November 2009

which wud be best for my front cover/?dersnes

week 2 review

i am on target this week
i conducted my photoshoot and will upload shortly
i have uploaded ideas for font, structureand colours
and it has been completed by the 29th

Wednesday, 25 November 2009


i am going to organise and conduct a photoshoot later today
i am going to make it a musical theme as my questionnaire revealed that people think that there is a lack of coverage of music in student magazines
it will contain a rane of shots of the model playing an instrument/ singing
i will take about 10 photos and decide on the best when i come to review them
i will probably upload my favourites and ask for opinions

questionnaire and poll results

my results of my questionnaire show people:

like font 1
would like a yellow and purple colour scheme

like my third layout

like the name STUDENT SPACE
would like to see college related articles,
would like to see a student on the front cover
would like to9 find college related articles and stuff that relates to them
think that current student magazines lack music and uni coverage
expect to pay about 60/70p
find current magazines boring
believe they could be improved by having more attractive articles and headlines that grab you

Tuesday, 24 November 2009


ok, what do you tyhink to these colour schemes???
yellow and purple
white and red
black and green

font ideas

pleease comment and give me feedback

Monday, 23 November 2009

possible front cover structures.......

ok, if you could give me some feedback on these it would be a BBIIIIGGG help :)

Thursday, 19 November 2009

weekly update!!

well this week im on schedule and not behind on any work. i have textually analysed two magazines and have released a questionnaire. all that remains now is too wait for people to complete my polls and make decisions accordingly. next week i have to arange and partake in my photoshoot and upload my possible images.

magzine names

which of these do you think sounds the best for a name for a student magazine?

student exhibiton

student rhythm


student space

student iguana

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Questionnaire about people want from student magazines

  1. What subjects do you expect t be approached within a student magazine??
  2. What colour schemes would you expect?
  3. What type of person would you expect to se on the front cover of a student magazine?? e.g. student, celebrity etc.
  4. What would you expect to find inside a student magazine?
  5. Are there any areas that you believce student magazines lack coverage of??
  6. what price would you expect to pay??
  7. do you find current student magazines boring?
  8. if so, what about them is boring and how could it be improved?

if you could fill in this questionnaire that would be great ta

These are the front covers of the magazines i analysed

Monday, 16 November 2009

Other Student Magazines Already Available

The first magazine I analysed was First Car Magazine; a magazine aimed at young people who are able to drive and related topics to do with young drivers. This means it is a niche product as it is aimed at a particular audience. The issue that I picked up was one with an interview of the cast of The Inbetweeners inside. This advertised on the front page with a large banner, forming the headline, explaining what you will find if you buy this. Also, in relation the main article we have a large cover shot of the people who are being interviewed with a car that is a prop from the series, which relates back to origin of interest to this magazine. We also have a banner across the bottom incororporating graphics and cover lines, explaining other artciles in the magazine and luring you in to buy this publication. We also have a masthead, with the logo at the top left hand corner of the front page, to inform people of the which magazine this is. we have a basiccolour scheme of yellow, black and white, which are corresponding colours and are easy on the eye.
the contents page in this magazine they have the most important articles on the left hand side, thios takes up 60% of the page. they also have the normal contents list, excluding what is opposite. they have also divided the magazine into sections which is a good idea for someone looking for a particular article. it has a varying colour scheme of black, white, red, three shades of blue and yellow.

The second magazine i analysed was Smart Talent; a magazine aimed at black and ethnic minority students looking for career options, this means it is a niche product as it is aimed at a specific audience. The front cover shows a large cover shot of Miquita Oliver, a black TV presenter, which represents who this magazine is aimed at, she is also blowing bubblegum which tyies in with the headline 'Miquita goes pop.' this does not tell us anything about the article, so we may be lured in to find out what the article is about. we have a number of cover lines up the left hand side of the front cover, informing us of other articles within this issue. thge mast headf is in large writing and very noticable, whereas the price, just underneath this, is in a tiny font. we hae a simple colour scheme that work together and do not clash, we have a dark pink, a light pink and white which all work well with the backround colour of brown.
The contents page uses a basic colour scheme of a crimson background with white wrting to compliment it, they also have yellow writing for the main article. It has a small headline for each article and a brief description of each one. It also has a montage of photos to accompany the articles; they are in no particular order just arranged randomly.

The Plan

  • set up blog
  • find examples of exisiting student magazines and construct textual analysis of them
  • decide on ideal age range for my magazine
  • conduct questionnaire to target audience
  • Finished by 22nd november


  • organise and conduct photoshoot
  • start rough designs of magazine; font, structure, colours, etc.
  • Fiished by 29th november


  • complete first draft of pages and ask for opinions
  • adapt to form second draft, taking into account comments made about the previous draft


  • finish pages of magazine
  • post on blog
  • ask for opinions
  • evaluate my task