Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Questionnaire about people want from student magazines

  1. What subjects do you expect t be approached within a student magazine??
  2. What colour schemes would you expect?
  3. What type of person would you expect to se on the front cover of a student magazine?? e.g. student, celebrity etc.
  4. What would you expect to find inside a student magazine?
  5. Are there any areas that you believce student magazines lack coverage of??
  6. what price would you expect to pay??
  7. do you find current student magazines boring?
  8. if so, what about them is boring and how could it be improved?

if you could fill in this questionnaire that would be great ta


  1. 1. things relating to either a particluar college or colleges in general, for example, important things going on in and around a college or advice when apply to ucas etc

    2. good ones! three colours, ones that arent garishlybright

    3. id expect students but celebrities would be cool

    4. stuff about whats going on in college, article which would apeal to students

    5.erm.... no?

    6. depends on size and quality

    7. nope, but to be honest i dont read it that much

  2. 1) Media! Oj Personaly I would find out the most poular subjetcs at the college. To me they would the most challenging ones. You also could mentioned about local uni's.

    2) Colourful, but don't overload with bright ones beacuse then it seems you are only appelaing to one gender.

    3)If it was going to be a celbrity it should only be based on their caree choice and how they got into the business (Might I suggest a certain Jared Leto :D, Or a Mr. Trent Reznor :D) Other than that get people around the college and get some background history and why they have chosen a certain path

    4) STUDENT STUFF! Eg help and advice on jobs, local attractions

    5)I never really see them mentioning jobs just them going on about where to go

    6)Cheap dude we are in a ressction here and Im broke as it is (I want a discount) On a serious not £1-3 depending on how many pages there are and the quality

    7) To be honest I have never really looked at them but I expect not because of my research I did find a lot of usful numbers for job advice

    8) Dont drain on and on and seem naggy

  3. What subjects do you expect t be approached within a student magazine??
    college, real life, social life
    What colour schemes would you expect?
    any just not dull or too extreme
    What type of person would you expect to se on the front cover of a student magazine??
    What would you expect to find inside a student magazine?
    help, college issues,real life, up coming events
    Are there any areas that you believce student magazines lack coverage of??
    not really
    what price would you expect to pay??
    do you find current student magazines boring?
    if so, what about them is boring and how could it be improved?

  4. 1. college life
    2. birght colours
    3. a student
    4. coollege stuff
    5. none.
    6. 70.p
    7. n/a
    8. n/a

  5. 1. Upcoming college events, fashion/music perhaos? General college life and things of interest
    2. Something bright that stands out, multiple colours that don't clash
    3. A student that isn't too hard on the eyes ;)
    4. same as number 1 really. college life.
    5. I don't think many cover music
    6. somewhere around the £1 mark
    7. i'd say so, i haven't been compelled to buy any at any rate.
    8. they either aren't advertised enough or headlines just don't grap you.

  6. What subjects do you expect t be approached within a student magazine??
    College events, music, partying

    What colour schemes would you expect?
    Bright colours, complimenting colours

    What type of person would you expect to se on the front cover of a student magazine?? e.g. student, celebrity etc.
    Young people, students, young celebrities

    What would you expect to find inside a student magazine?
    Words and pictures

    Are there any areas that you believce student magazines lack coverage of??
    I don't read enough to comment

    what price would you expect to pay??

    do you find current student magazines boring?
    dont read any

    if so, what about them is boring and how could it be improved?

  7. What subjects do you expect t be approached within a student magazine??
    What colour schemes would you expect?
    What type of person would you expect to se on the front cover of a student magazine?? e.g. student, celebrity etc.

    What would you expect to find inside a student magazine?

    Are there any areas that you believce student magazines lack coverage of??

    what price would you expect to pay??
    LESS THAN £1

    do you find current student magazines boring?

    if so, what about them is boring and how could it be improved?

  8. 1. College Events, Gossip, Latest Events
    2. Black and White
    3. Student
    4. Events
    5. naa
    6. 50p
    7. yeah
    8. more appealing
