Thursday, 28 January 2010


  1. What music magazines do you read?
  2. What music genres do you listen to?
  3. What music genre do you like to read about?
  4. How mucyh would you pay for a magazine?
  5. Out of these names which do you think is the best?

Rhythm, Notation Nation, Chord, Riff, Beat


  1. What music magazines do you read?
    Ihardly ever read them but it is usually Kerrang
    What music genres do you listen to?
    any types, rock, pop, metal etc a mixed of everything
    What music genre do you like to read about?
    How mucyh would you pay for a magazine?
    Out of these names which do you think is the best?

  2. What music magazines do you read?
    Q, NME
    What music genres do you listen to?
    Pop, Indie, Dance
    What music genre do you like to read about?
    As above
    How mucyh would you pay for a magazine?
    Out of these names which do you think is the best?
    Notation Nation,

  3. What music magazines do you read?
    kerrange, NME and Q

    What music genres do you listen to?
    all sorts of music.

    What music genre do you like to read about?
    mostly rock.

    How mucyh would you pay for a magazine?

    Out of these names which do you think is the best?
    Notation nation

  4. 1. none really, but Q seems pretty good,

    2. skater rock n stuff

    3. new bands that sound good, indie stuff

    4. around £3

    5. Riff
